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d-Infinity Playtest Monday #33: 'Ragnarok' RPG


Join Saga Master Clint Staples and Helblindi the Galdr mage (Brendan Cass) and shapeshifter Fafnir, who alternates between the forms of a Human hunter and a Dragon (Michael O. Varhola), for an exciting Ragnarok RPG adventure set in the dark and savage era of the Viking end times!

In this session in the ongoing saga of the Rimecold Hart, our heroes determine the location of the Aelking’s heart and venture through the frozen wilds of West Gothland to a ruined fortress on the shores of Lake Vänern. There, they draw upon both their magical and mundane abilities to infiltrate the crumbling redoubt, attempt to locate the heart, and face the fell creatures guarding it ...

Ragnarok is a self-standing independent role-playing game created by Clint Staples that is currently being playtested and refined by the Skirmisher Game Development Group. It is set during the gloomy days of the Fimbulwinter, a frozen “Age of Axes and Wolves” preceding the final battle between the gods and their enemies where heroes struggle both to survive and build their renown. Links to material related to this episode appear below.