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Starfinder: Thinner Xeno-Necro


The game origins of this particular type of Necromorph is steeped in horror and despair, so much more so than many of the other creatures found in the Dead Space trilogy!

Based on the 'Feeder' From Dead Space 3.

Weapons should be more than murder sticks. They should be works of art, each one as unique as the hero who wields them. So next time your adventurers raid a wicked duke's arms cache or plunder the tomb of an undead warlord, go beyond the usual +2 falchions and masterwork guisames and roll 1d10 on the table below to give each weapon its own design flourish.

  1. The surface of the weapon is coated in a thin layer of silver flecked with cold iron.
  2. The weapon is decorated with chunks of volcanic glass.
  3. Glowing runes adorn the weapon. The runes are purely cosmetic, and spell out the name of a weapon, a god, or a heroic motto.
  4. A royal seal is worked into the base of the weapon's hilt.
  5. The substance of the weapon is impregnated with alchemical trace elements, causing the weapon to throw impressive sparks with each strike.
  6. A subtle enchantment causes the weapon to produce a heroic tune when drawn.
  7. A stylized serpent adorns the weapon's grip. There is an equal chance this serpent is an adder, wyrm, sea serpent, or linnorm.
  8. The fangs of a great beast are worked into the business end of the weapon.
  9. The weapon's grip is hollow, with enough interior space to hold a few coins, a scroll, or a few shots of stiff drink.
  10. The weapon's grip is carved from a single flawless block of white jade.

Creeping Popper Xeno-necro CR ½ XP 200

Neutral tiny undead (Xeno-necro)

Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., life sense 500 ft.; Perception +10


Defense                                                             HP 4

EAC 16; KAC 18

Fort +0; Ref +3; Will +4

Defensive Abilities Camouflage, toughened hide; immunities Cold, undead immunities, vacuum

Weaknesses Energy vulnerability



Speed 60 ft.

Melee Bite, -1 (1d4-2 P)

Ranged Spur, +2 (1d4+3 P, range 50 ft.)

Space 2.5 ft.

Offensive Abilities Ambush



Str -2; Dex +3; Con -; Int -4; Wis +2; Cha +0

Skills stealth +6 (+16 when camouflaged)

Feats Deadly aim

Languages None

Gear None



Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins

Organization Large clusters (2d12)


Special Abilities

Ambush (Ex) The Creeping Popper is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.

Camouflage (Su) Each creature is able to use this ability to match the surrounding’s almost perfectly. This is a full round action, and they will automatically gain an additional +10 to their stealth skill (which will stack with their ambush ability, above). As soon as they attack, the camouflage drops. They can also voluntarily drop it as a swift action.

Clinging (Ex) The creature is capable of clinging to any surface, and retains its full movement speed. No acrobatics check is required.

Energy Vulnerability (Ex) The Creeping Popper, like all Xeno-necro’s, are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.

Life Sense (Sp) The Creeping popper is capable of sensing any living creature within a 500 ft. radius. They will travel towards the location of the creature and attempt to set up an ambush.  The creatures also gain a +10 to perception when living organisms are involved. The life-energy can be hidden through full encasing armor, such as powered armor, space suits, and the like.

Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.

Xeno-necro Subtype

These creatures are created through strange necromantic energies generated by an ancient artifact. The victims must be in the area of effect of the artifact for typically 7 plus 2d8 days. During this period, they suffer from strange and horrifying nightmares, and slip into depression and near the end become violent and suicidal.  The energies released by the artifact (which can vary in size from a small decoration, all the way up to a massive monolith), cause a fundamental change deep in the victim’s genetic code, causing them to mutate upon death into literal undead monster.  No one knows for certain as to the purpose of this, and why this happens, as the creators of the artifact have long since departed this plane of existence.

This subtype can be added to any humanoid corpse.  The humanoid automatically becomes Undead (gaining all the traits) and the subtype becomes Xeno-necro, likewise gaining the traits from such. All previous skills and feats are lost, and the creature retains a bare-minimum intellect, although its only desire is to hunt and kill. It cannot be reasoned with, spoken to or interacted with in any way.

It should be noted these creatures will only attack living, organic targets. They will ignore robots, androids and the like unless they come under attack from the aforementioned types.


Required Creature Type: Undead

Suggested Array: Combatant (although it can vary)

Traits: Ambush, energy vulnerability, toughened hide, all undead traits, immunity to cold.

Suggested Ability modifiers: Strength and Dexterity

Ambush (Ex) The Xeno-necro is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.

Energy Vulnerability The Xeno-necro, like all of this subtype, are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.

Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.

Twisted Xeno-Necro CR ½ XP 200

Neutral small undead (Xeno-necro)

Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2


Defense                                                             HP 7

EAC 16; KAC 18

Fort +0; Ref +3; Will +4

Defensive Abilities toughened hide; immunities Cold, undead immunities, vacuum

Weaknesses Energy vulnerability



Speed 30 ft.

Melee Claw +1, (1d4+1 S Crit 1d3 blood loss per round) or bite +1, (1d6 P)

Offensive Abilities Ambush, caterwaul, pack tactics, trip



Str +0; Dex +2; Con -; Int -2; Wis +1; Cha +0

Skills Stealth +8

Feats Mobility

Languages None

Gear None



Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins

Organization Packs (2d12)


Special Abilities

Ambush (Ex) The Twisted is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.

Caterwaul (Su) The Twisted are capable of uttering a horrifying caterwaul, one which can be heard even in the vacuum of space. Those who hear it must make a Will save (DC 12) or become shaken. This will last for 1d6 rounds. Because the Twisted will scream in perfect harmony, the DC of this attack increases by 1 for every two members of the pack, which means a pack of eight will increase the DC to 16. The scream has a radius of 50 feet from the Twisted which initiates the attack.

Energy Vulnerability (Ex) The Twisted are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.

Pack Tactics (Ex) The Twisted work well together, so much so that when a pack attacks a single target, they gain a bonus to combat. The creatures will automatically gain flanking, even if they are not directly across from one another, as long as at least one member of the pack is engaged in melee combat. For those who are directly across from another pack member, they will gain a +3 to hit, and the damage will increase by +1 per pack member involved in the melee. So if there are three members surrounding a target, any time they hit in combat, they will do 1d4+4 damage instead of 1d4+1. This also applies to the bite attack.

Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.

Trip (Ex) Twisted are quite adept at tripping an opponent and knocking them prone. They are allowed a combat maneuver and if it is successful (Melee attack vs. KAC +8), the target is knocked prone. The rules regarding multiple pack members attacking at once apply when trying to trip a target.


Xeno-necro Subtype

These creatures are created through strange necromantic energies generated by an ancient artifact. The victims must be in the area of effect of the artifact for typically 7 plus 2d8 days. During this period, they suffer from strange and horrifying nightmares, and slip into depression and near the end become violent and suicidal.  The energies released by the artifact (which can vary in size from a small decoration, all the way up to a massive monolith), cause a fundamental change deep in the victim’s genetic code, causing them to mutate upon death into literal undead monster.  No one knows for certain as to the purpose of this, and why this happens, as the creators of the artifact have long since departed this plane of existence.

This subtype can be added to any humanoid corpse.  The humanoid automatically becomes Undead (gaining all the traits) and the subtype becomes Xeno-necro, likewise gaining the traits from such. All previous skills and feats are lost, and the creature retains a bare-minimum intellect, although its only desire is to hunt and kill. It cannot be reasoned with, spoken to or interacted with in any way.

It should be noted these creatures will only attack living, organic targets. They will ignore robots, androids and the like unless they come under attack from the aforementioned types.


Required Creature Type: Undead

Suggested Array: Combatant (although it can vary)

Traits: Ambush, energy vulnerability, toughened hide, all undead traits, immunity to cold.

Suggested Ability modifiers: Strength and Dexterity

Ambush (Ex) The Xeno-necro is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.

Energy Vulnerability The Xeno-necro, like all of this subtype, are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.

Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.


Thinner Xeno-necroCR 2 XP 600

Neutral medium undead (Xeno-necro)

Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 (+14 auditory sense)


Defense                                                             HP 12

EAC 18; KAC 20

Fort +0; Ref +5; Will +7

Defensive Abilities Extraordinary Hearing, toughened hide; immunities Cold, undead immunities, vacuum

Weaknesses Energy vulnerability



Speed 30 ft.

Melee Bite, +3 (2d6+2, P Crit head bite –see below), two claws -1 (1d6+2 S, crit 1d4 bleed per round)

Offensive Abilities Ambush, create spawn, head bite, ravenous hunger



Str +2; Dex +4; Con -; Int +0; Wis +4; Cha +0

Skills Acrobatics +6, stealth +10

Feats Blind fight, improved initiative

Languages None

Gear None



Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins

Organization Medium packs (2d8) or large swarms (3d12)


Special Abilities

Ambush (Ex) The Thinner is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.

Create Spawn (Su) Those who succumb to the ravenous hunger will slowly transform into a Thinner. This process takes several days on the average, with their hunger growing more and more pronounced with each passing day. During this time, any medical device which can cure disease, as well as spells such as cure disease, will end the transformation. The victim will constantly eat, and will clearly be losing weight. Each day that passes, they will lose 1d4 points of Constitution score, and will become thinner and more skeletal. Once their Constitution score reaches zero, they will die and rise as a Thinner in only 1d6 minutes time.  After the transformation is complete, they can only be brought back to their former lives via a Limited Wish, Miracle or Wish spell. If at any point before death takes hold they are able to get a cure disease, they will regain their lost Constitution score at their level per day. The hunger will also abate, and they will regain their lost weight.

Energy Vulnerability (Ex) The Thinner are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.

Extraordinary Hearing (Ex) With the reduction in their ability to see in normal light, their other senses, specifically their hearing, have increased dramatically. They gain a +6 bonus to any perception check involving sound.

Head Bite (Ex) Whenever the creature successfully rolls a critical hit with the bite, the target must make a Ref saving throw (DC 15) or have their heads literally bitten off, killing them instantly. If the saving throw succeeds, they will still suffer double damage.

Pack Tactics (Ex) The Thinners work well together, so much so that when a pack attacks a single target, they gain a bonus to combat. The creatures will automatically gain flanking, even if they are not directly across from one another, as long as at least one member of the pack is engaged in melee combat. For those who are directly across from another pack member, they will gain a +3 to hit, and the damage will increase by +1 per pack member involved in the melee. So if there are three members surrounding a target, any time they hit in combat, they will do 1d4+4 damage instead of 1d4+1. This also applies to the bite attack.

Ravenous Hunger (Su) Those who are bitten by these creatures must make a Fort save (DC 15) or be overcome with a hunger so powerful and ravenous they must immediately stop what they are doing and consume any food they are carrying. If there is no food available, they must stop what they are doing and consume the nearest corpse – be it friend or Xeno-necro.  Those consuming the flesh of a Xeno-necro must then make an additional Fort save (DC 20) or begin the long road to becoming a Thinner themselves.  This need to feed will last for 2d8 rounds, which is typically enough time to finish a standard meal.

Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.


Xeno-necro Subtype

These creatures are created through strange necromantic energies generated by an ancient artifact. The victims must be in the area of effect of the artifact for typically 7 plus 2d8 days. During this period, they suffer from strange and horrifying nightmares, and slip into depression and near the end become violent and suicidal.  The energies released by the artifact (which can vary in size from a small decoration, all the way up to a massive monolith), cause a fundamental change deep in the victim’s genetic code, causing them to mutate upon death into literal undead monster.  No one knows for certain as to the purpose of this, and why this happens, as the creators of the artifact have long since departed this plane of existence.

This subtype can be added to any humanoid corpse.  The humanoid automatically becomes Undead (gaining all the traits) and the subtype becomes Xeno-necro, likewise gaining the traits from such. All previous skills and feats are lost, and the creature retains a bare-minimum intellect, although its only desire is to hunt and kill. It cannot be reasoned with, spoken to or interacted with in any way.

It should be noted these creatures will only attack living, organic targets. They will ignore robots, androids and the like unless they come under attack from the aforementioned types.


Required Creature Type: Undead

Suggested Array: Combatant (although it can vary)

Traits: Ambush, energy vulnerability, toughened hide, all undead traits, immunity to cold.

Suggested Ability modifiers: Strength and Dexterity

Ambush (Ex) The Xeno-necro is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.

Energy Vulnerability The Xeno-necro, like all of this subtype, are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.

Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.