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Starfinder: Chilled Zombie

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One major issue the scientists and necromancers found when it came to animating the dead was that most zombies literally froze and were completely useless in cold climates, especially in space. With tinkering, they finally came up with a virus which allowed the zombies to function in such environments.

These zombies became known as Chilled. Physically they have all the typical characteristics of regular zombies, but with a couple of notable exceptions. First, the virus turns the eyes a light shade of blue. It did not matter what the victim’s eye color was before succumbing to the plague, once they achieved un-life, the eyes turned blue. Secondly, the hands and feet of the victim turned black, as if the appendages were badly frost-bitten.

Another trait that set these particular undead creatures apart from the others was the fact that they could still use weapons, including firearms and ranged weapons, not to mention they are capable of using armor. They still retain enough intelligence to use such, including other types of gear, and to be able to reload or change out power-cells if such an action is required.

A favored tactic of many of the terrorists is to ensure that mercenary, police or military units became infected. Due to the fact that these particular undead could still wield weapons they proved to be far deadlier than any other breeds of undead with a few notable exceptions.

The other saving grace when it comes to these creatures is that they are only found in cold or arctic conditions. Temperatures above freezing destroy these monsters.

Starfinder Creature Index