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New Magic Item: Blindfold of Senses and Sensuality


An artifact with a long and storied history, the original blindfold of senses and sensuality was supposedly created by one of the dukes of hell to either enhance the interrogation of his enemies or reward his allies.

An artifact with a long and storied history, the original blindfold of senses and sensuality was supposedly created by one of the dukes of hell to either enhance the interrogation of his enemies or reward his allies. The details are lost to history. What wasn't lost were the details of the item's creation, which was quickly copied and run off in the hundreds by curious wizards, depraved cultists, and clerics with delightful little secrets.


Price 3,000; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 5; Weight negligible

This 3 ft. long band of silk is almost weightless and frictionless to the touch. Though the original was woven from the gossamer of the Muses, any black silk will do. Anyone blindfolded with this item is not merely denied they sense of sight. Rather, they transcend it, the magic of the blindfold focuses the other senses to supernatural acuity. The wearer gains a +2 bonus to all Perception skill checks based of every sense other than sight. Additionally, if the wearer can be denied their other senses by other means, the remaining senses further enhanced, granting an additional +2 bonus per additional sense denied. At the GM's option, these bonuses may apply to other skill checks where senses other than sight are a key factor. However, saving throws made against attacks, techniques, and tortures designed to prey on senses which are currently enhanced suffer a penalty equal to the current bonus.


Cost 1,500

Craft Wondrous Items, blindness deafness, remove blindness deafness