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‘Dinner with the Man in the Moon’ Released by Skirmisher!

“All aboard for the Moon!”

Skirmisher Publishing is pleased to announce its release “A Christmas Dinner with the Man in the Moon,” an early science fiction story that describes a near future where humanity coexists with people from other worlds and postulates regular flights between the Earth and the Moon! It is available at DriveThruRPG and DriveThruFiction by itself for just 99¢ and as part of a 37% off Age of Steam Bundle, a 50% off Recent Releases Bundle, and a 50% off Historic Reprints Bundle

This good-natured tale taps into the technological advances of its day and postulates things like breathing devices that use solid pellets of compressed oxygen and in-helmet communication systems. It is a fun and thought-provoking read that will resonate with fans of Victorian-era stories, those seeking inspiration for classic steampunk scenarios, and anyone who enjoys seeing science and technology of the sort being developed by Edison and Tesla extrapolated on in works of fiction. It includes the detailed black-and-white illustrations that appeared in its original 1880 edition.