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Starfinder: Kushi

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Kushi, also known as spitters or droolers, are a variant of the creatures known as Zugaikotsu. They are created through the same method – requiring a victim to have failed a saving throw and allowed the virus to run rampant, but instead of becoming a standard Zugaikotsu, they turn into these acid-spitting monsters.

Physically the Kushi appear almost the same as the other version, although the stomach appears to be engorged and is straining against the bone armor covering it. There is a strong scent of acid surrounding the creature, and strings of thick, viscous fluid drip constantly from the jaw.

They are rarely found alone, and are always mixed in with groups of Zugaikotsu. On average for every 9 Zugaikotsu, there will be one Kushi. Due to the similar appearance, they are often missed when mixed in with a pack, much to the horror of those having to defend against the creatures.

When the creatures engage in combat, they will first use their caustic spit, spewing out the powerful stomach acids in an arc, coating any targets within that range. The acid is powerful and can inflict terrible burns on those unlucky enough not to dodge. It will continue to use this attack, even if there are Zugaikotsu in the area of effect (they are NOT immune to the acid!), not caring if friend or foe is struck.

Once the Kushi have used up their acid attacks, or if a target gets within biting or clawing distance, they will engage with their teeth and claws. If a target is bitten, the damage inflicted is half piercing and half acid. What makes these creatures particularly dangerous is if they are struck by a piercing attack which inflicts 10 points or more damage, the creature will burst! It is killed when this happens, no matter how many hit points it currently has, spraying stomach acids far and wide.

A good tactic to use against these creatures is to shoot it at a range, causing it to explode if it is in amongst regular Zugaikotsu. This can often destroy or at the very least soften up the pack.

Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series, contributor to the Swords of Kos: Hekaton anthology. He also wrote Creatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities found in a Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.