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Starfinder: Drinker

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Legend has it that the Drinker is actually an alien life form that almost caused the complete and utter depopulation numerous worlds found in the outer reaches of space. Then again, most creatures have a legend behind them. It is funny though how many legends have their origin in fact, and not myth.

These horrific monsters have two basic appearances. First, they always appear as young, beautiful or handsome men and women. The physical appearance is quite literally pulled from the mind of a victim, in order to put the victim at ease. The victim will be drawn to the monster without any cause for fear or apprehension.

The second form is that of a gigantic hairless vampire bat, with a wing span of fifteen feet in length, and a hideous visage that is enough to put the fear of whatever god they worship into the most stalwart of warriors. In either form, the creatures are around average human height and weight.

Make no mistake; these monsters are undead, although they do not seem to reproduce. They do create a strange, zombie-like creature called a Conduit, which they use to consume the life-force of other creatures to maintain their own un-life. No one knows how they reproduce, as anything they kill either remains dead or rises as a Conduit.  It is speculated that since they are of both sexes, they are able to reproduce through some unholy manner similar to sex.

In combat, they attack only one creature at a time. They approach the creature and gaze into their eyes and attempt to initiate a life-force transfer.  If for some reason this does not work, the creatures will use their natural weapons, their bite or claw attacks, which can be devastating.

But that isn’t the worst aspect of these creatures. The creatures that they kill are suddenly resurrected exactly two hours after their death, appearing as animated corpses which are known as Conduits.

There is one sure way to kill one of these creatures. They are vulnerable to iron. Any iron weapon that pierces their body has a chance of killing them outright!

Starfinder Creature Index