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Sea Demon


This will probably be the last conversion that I post until May 28th or 29th, after my return from Comicpalooza. If I have reliable internet access while in Houston, I may continue to post, but I figured that it would be only the right thing to do, letting my readers know the reason behind any lack of posts.


Sea Demons are strange mutant humanoids that are usually found in the waters surrounding the ruins of Great Britain.

These creatures are pure evil and were dubbed Demons or Sea Vampires (because of the food they require) by the locals who ply their trade on the waters, be it fishing, scavenging, or even transporting cargo to the many towns and villages that exist and depend on the ocean for their survival.

Chris Van Deelen is the author of the Skirmisher Publishing LLC sourcebook Creatures of the Tropical Wastes sourcebook, co-author of its Wisdom from the Wastelands game supplement and contributor to the 'Sword of Kos: Hekaton' Anthology.

No. Enc: 1 (2d10)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement: 90’ (30’)

                    180’ (60’) Swim
AC: 5
HD: 6
Attacks: 3 (Bite, claw, claw)
Damage: 3d4 / 2d8 / 2d8
Save: L6
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: I, II, III, V

Sea Demons are strange mutant humanoids that are usually found in the waters surrounding the ruins of Great Britain.

These creatures are pure evil and were dubbed Demons or Sea Vampires (because of the food they require) by the locals who ply their trade on the waters, be it fishing, scavenging, or even transporting cargo to the many towns and villages that exist and depend on the ocean for their survival.

Legend has it that these monsters are actually mermaids, and have existed for thousands upon thousands of years. Who is to say that this is wrong, or if it is the truth, but many feel the creatures are just Mutant Humans who have adapted to life under the waves and have unique ways of trapping their prey to feed upon.

Most of the time, these monsters appear as comely men and women. They do possess two other forms. The second is the classic mermaid, being half human, half fish, while the final form is far more frightening. It is a chimera of a reptile and a fish. They have no legs in this form and are covered in scales. The hands are webbed and the fingers are extremely long and end in razor sharp talons. They have gills on the sides of their necks, small slits where the nose would be and a mouth filled with sharp, pointed teeth. A large sharp dorsal fin runs down the spine of the creature, and they have two large fin-like protrusions jutting out from the side and top of their heads.  

The creatures require warm blood to survive and they hunt in two different ways. By using their special shapeshift, they will use this form to appear as persons in distress in the water. This way the creatures will attempt to lure prey so that they can feast. They will typically attempt to do this when they spot prey that is alone or away from a group so that they can make the kill quickly and without trouble.

The other method is that they will take their human form and attempt to infiltrate smaller communities, villages or even groups of travelers. Once they have been accepted in, they will choose one individual from those available and they will form an empathic bond.

They typically go after a target that is either the strongest or has the most influence. A truly frightening aspect of this bond is the fact that it transcends gender and the target will feel an irresistible urge to be with the creature, they will feel as if their minds and souls have become one, which will lead to physical intimacy.

These mutant creatures have to make a mental attack in order to attempt to create the bond. The target, if the attack is successful, is allowed a save versus death each day to attempt to break the bond. Every day the bond grows stronger and the target’s save is at a cumulative -1. So if the target remains under the bond for 10 days, then it is at a -10 to try and break the bond. Eventually the bond will be so strong that only a natural 20 will break it.

If the bond is broken, the monster will do everything in its power to kill the target, as the target will realize what has happened and will attempt to retaliate or warn others of the danger. While the bond exists, the target will do everything and anything that the creature asks, including theft and murder.

These monsters are very intelligent and cruel. They take great delight in causing as much pain and misery as they can to anyone they encounter. They especially delight in destroying families through infidelity.

The creatures must stay in water for at least an hour a day. If they fail to do so, they lose 1d8 hit points every day until they can return to the water or they die. In the wild the monsters live in tiny communities, typically right on the shoreline, preferring to live in small huts or even ruins. The homes are standard fare, some being neat and tidy while others being shambles. It all depends on the personality of the individual.

These creatures bear their children live and like humans, the gestation period is 9 months and the young are born looking like the chimera form. It isn’t until the young reach puberty that they are able to take the other two forms. The children reach puberty typically between the ages of 7 and 10 and the creatures live to be approximately 70 years of age.

They are capable of using technology and weapons but usually shun both unless they are forced to because a foe is particularly dangerous. Most artifacts eventually fall into ruin with the creatures because of their need to live by or in the water.

Mutations: aberrant from (xenomorphism – chimera), dietary requirement change (blood), epidermal dependency (water), increased senses (smell), neural empathy, possession (special), shapeshift, thermal vision.

Source: She Creature (2001)