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Runequest Thursday #43 - A Complete Psionics System for Runequest!

OK, I lied, a little. This system was actually written for Openquest, but it is 95% compatible with versions of Runequest as is, and can be easily modified the rest of the way. You can use this link to download a PDF copy of my Robot Wasteland Psionics document.

I wrote this system a few years back for use in a short campaign I ran called Robot Wasteland, which was posited upon the notion that DARPA funded a proposal to build Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robots [yes, that makes the Acronym for the project, EATR]. This was based on an actual proposal that DARPA received, which may be perused here. I took it to the extreme game extent with a world scoured to barren wasteland with humanity living in the cracks and crevices, hiding from The Devourers, self-aware machines that actually eat organic matter, processing it into an energy they can use through their conversion chambers. Psioincs seemed like a nice option for the beleaguered PCs, so this system was the result.

It occurs to me, that with this and the Weapons and Amor of the Knights-Marshal, Runequestified, you have two significant bits for playing KMotC with the Runequest ruleset.

BTW, Openquest has a free version available. And you should check out my Savage North articles to see what I am doing with it and the pay for play version.

Art for this post is actually a miniature I sculpted that was painted by the amazing Samson, and available for sale along with more miniature maaaadness [to be painted by YOU] at Armorcast.com.