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New BASH-SF Datafile for Knights-Marshal: Rae Keth, Elohir Exile


I had been hoping to run another session of Knights-Marshall last Friday, and add a new player and character. Because I came down with a nasty head-cold the game session did not happen. But I did email back and forth with the players about her character.

So I can present to you that character, not quite finished, but close enough for the moment. You can find the Elohir Exile attached [the link is just below the image].

One of the nice things that this write-up does is introduce the notions of Species Templates, which is how I will be handling non-human characters, as well as other unusual things.

Essentially, a Template is a package of Powers, Advantages, DIsadvantages, Stat minimums and maximums, etc, that define the game mechanics side of a race, species, mutant type, even a synth [the term for an artificial life form in the Commonwealth]. A template may balance out at a cost of 0. It could also have a net cost for a more powerful template, or even a cost reduction in the case of a template that is deleterious to the character. In the case of a more powerful template, the player would need to take an additional Disadvantage, or spend a Point from her Powers or Stats allotment to 'Pay' for the extras of the template. If the template is considered a reduction, it would grant the number of extra points to spend on Powers, Advantages or Stats.

So let's look at the Elohir Template as an example of how it works.

But first a brief word on who the Elohir are:

The Elohir are an ancient star-faring race, figures of legend to many, and the source of legends of angels, demons, elves and gods on Old Terra and beyond, having once had colonies on many worlds after the Elohir Confederacy was destroyed. They are tall and slender, fair, long-lived and psionic. While some Elohir inhabit, even dominate planets on the edge of Commonspace or beyond, others are organized into wandering, or marauding, bands of thousands, constantly on the move. Relations between the Commonwealth and the Elohir depends on which of the Elohir are involved. Some have been neutral, even helpful, while others are pirates, smugglers or worse. A very few individuals, often generally exiles from their own people, have become Knights-Marshal, some unwillingly.

Elohir Exile Template

Max Brawn 4, Min Mind 2 - These are restrictions on the minimums and maximums in certain stats that Elohir can have. As natural psionics with long lives and sophisticated technology and culture, they are considerably smarter than most. But they are lighter and agile, rather than powerful physically, so their bodies are incapable of great strength.

Advantages: Elohir Psionics, Advanced Elohir Tech - All Elohir are psionic to some extent, and unlike most in the Commonwealth, may select freely from the psionic powers, irrespective of the mental disciplines. Elohir technology is significantly more sophisticated than the normal in the Commonwealth. Generally in terms of miniaturization or ease of use or transport, rather than improvement in function, damage, etc.

Disadvantages: Outcast [for PCs], -5 to Wound Threshold - As far as Player Characters are concerned, Elohir are pretty much always exiles from their own people. The player and GM must work out the details of this, but it means that many other Elohir will react with hostility to the exile. The Wound Threshold of any Elohir, is figured as normal, but then reduced by 5 points. Thus Elohir are always slightly easier to Wound than normal.


Some other things of note on the Character Sheet.

  • I have decided to use Careers instead of Skills in Knights-Marshal of the Commonwealth. The Exile shows this. I will update the other PCs, Thane Krios, and Reetha Shartar, to reflect this decision.
  • Bound to the Order - The Knights-Marshal are continually short of staff, especially on the frontiers of the Edge and beyond. Thus, they have the right under Marshal Law to commit any prisoner as Bond to the Order, instead of other sentence or punishment. This exile obviously has done something to earn the attention of the Knights-Marshal as lawbringers or peacekeepers. Given the Career - Piracy 2, chances are that in this case it was in both capacities. But her abilities are considerable. She could be a great boon to the Order, and, if the Bondi serves with distinction, she may eventually be freed of her bond and welcomed into the Order as Sergeant at Arms, or even a full Knight, Belted and Spurred.
  • There are a few things left undone. A name, obviously. But also one Career at Rank 0. The xile has spend all three Career ranks, so she has no specialties, but that is the kind of expertise that can be picked up in play. The players and I have somwe owrk to do setting out the details of her exile, and how and why she goes berserk occasionally. And of course, the Pirate career choice needs some explaining. Overall though, I think the Elohir Exile is going to make for an interesting addition to the group.