Runeskull of the Ape Lord: A Wondrous Item for 5e

Runeskull of the Ape Lord: A Wondrous Item for 5e

Runeskull of the Ape Lord

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

These blessedly rare objects of power are crafted from the skulls of great apes - typically a gorilla or yeti - inscribed with jagged runes that glow with the bestial ferocity of the gods of the jungle primeval.

While attuned to a Runeskull of the Ape Lord you have advantage on all Animal Handling checks made against apes. You also have advantage on Intimidation checks made against creatures that fear apes.

When a Runeskull of the Ape Lord is used as a spellcasting focus when casting a conjuration or enchantment spell that summons or targets an ape or sufficiently ape-like beast (e.g. yeti, girallon, weregorilla, etc.) the spell’s duration becomes permanent. Likewise, if used as a spellcasting focus when casting a transmutation spell that transforms the target into an ape or sufficiently ape-like creature the spell’s duration becomes permanent. If a spell made permanent by a runeskull requires concentration, the runeskull provides the concentration required to maintain the spell indefinitely. Spells made permanent buy a Runeskull can be dismissed.

A Runeskull of the Ape Lord can only make one spell permanent at a time. If used to make a new spell permanent before a previous spell benefiting from the skull has been dismissed, the previous spell immediately ends.

This wondrous item was inspired by an entry in The Jester Dragon’s Trove of Trinkets.

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