Infernum Puzzle Trap  for 5e

Infernum Puzzle Trap for 5e

Infernum Puzzle Trap

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

The first infernum puzzle trap was crafted by an ingenious wizard and demonologist who’s name is lost to history but who now resides in a special place in hell constructed for exclusively for his eternal torment at the hands of vengeful devils. Each puzzle trap is an incomprehensibly complex puzzle box baring a superficial resemblance to the puzzle boxes many dark powers use to tempt mortals with forbidden knowledge and dark power. However, the puzzle’s complex mechanisms and flickering sigils are designed specifically to attract the curiosity of infernal beings. Any fiend who comes within 30 feet of a visible infernum puzzle trap must succeed in a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to solve the puzzle. Thus compulsion is purely psychological and triggered by the puzzle’s complex design, and as such a fiend’s Magic Resistance trait does not apply to the saving throw. If the fiend is presented with the puzzle box and specifically challenged to solve it, it has disadvantage on this save.

A fiend compelled to solve the puzzle can do nothing else, though if the fiend takes damage it may make another saving throw to overcome its compulsion. Solving the puzzle takes 1d6x minutes, after which the fiend makes a DC 20 Intelligence check. On a successful check the fiend solves the puzzle and is immune to this puzzle trap forever. Of a failed check, the fiend becomes trapped within the puzzle box. Anyone attuned to a puzzle trap containing a fiend can summon that fiend as an action and give it a command it is compelled to obey as per a geas spell. A puzzle trap can only contain one fiend at a time, and a fiend who fails to solve a puzzle trap containing a fiend releases the other fiend.

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