Return of Cyris Crane Bonus Investigators

Return of Cyris Crane Bonus Investigators


Just this past week Skirmisher Publishing LLC released The Return of Cyris Crane, a Cthulhu Live scenario with a rich and storied history dating all the way back to when the 3rd edition was first playtested. With it's collection of desperate characters, sinister mansion setting, and socialites with eccentricities bordering on madness, the scenario is just the thing to thrill and chill your players this Halloween season. But as with any party, the more the merrier. With that in mind, is pleased to present two bonus investigators to bring new life (and new victims) to the scenario. If you're looking to host a session of The Return of Cyris Crane for your local group, consider adding Cyris's old college chum and stock broker to the cast.

Charles “Duffy” Tadger
EDU: 10 DEX: 12 CON: 12 POW: 11

Wounds: 12 Magic: 11 Shade of Terror: Blue

Skills: Dodge 3, Fleet-Footed 3, Sports (Rugby) 4, Brawling 4, Track 3, Gambling 3, Etiquete 2, Firearms 2

Possessions: Deflated rugby ball, flask of stiff brandy, college tie

Good old “Duffy” Tadger, that’s you. Born into the life of the idle rich, you met Cyris Crane back when you both attended Miskatonic University. For a brief period you were also fraternity brothers in Omega House. Sadly, your old chum Cyris fell out of fraternity life as he became more involved in his studies. Still, the two of you remained friends long after the end of your respective college days. And what days they were.

Sadly, you’ve fallen onto thin times. You’re nowhere near as good with money as your father was, and soon you may find yourself falling out of the lifestyle to which you are accustomed. You’re hope that your old chum Crane can help you out. Tonight’s party will be the perfect opportunity to relive the good old days, and ask your good chum Cyris for a favor. What's a few hundred dollars between friends eh? And even if the old bookworm won’t lend a penny, he may still be able to give you some sound economic advice. Crane was always good with money.

Stanley Woodcraft
EDU: 15 DEX: 10 CON: 10 POW: 10

Wounds: 10 Magic: 10   Shade of Terror: Green

Skills: Mathematics 4, Accounting 5, Latin 1, Law (Economic Law ) 3, Library Use 4, French 3, Etiquette 3

Possessions: Stock Portfolios, Wall Street Journal
You never thought you would have a client as successful as Cyris Crane. As his stock

broker and chief financial agent, it was your job to ensure that Mr. Crane’s assets were managed properly. Your financial wizardry was matched only by Mr. Crane’s own business sense. In fact, your dealings with him may be the only time in which a client has given his stock broker sound financial advice. Unfortunately for the both of you, Mr. Crane’s death put a stop to your profitable relationship.

But this may not be the end. By an amazing stroke of luck Cyris Crane has cheated death, a harsh winter, and incompetent hayseed doctors only to return to his estate. Mr. Crane has been spending most of his time recuperating since returning from his ordeal. You have attempted to contact him, but he is apparently not interested in financial matters. If this is truly the case, then perhaps Mr. Crane’s trauma was greater than his daughter had led you to believe. But tonight’s party is your chance to set things on the proper track. You will have an opportunity to speak with Mr. Crane in a relaxed social setting and ensure that his finances will still be in your care. The party will also play host to any number of other wealthy and influential people, and perhaps you will be able to forge some new dealings with them as well.


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