Ill Met in the Necropolis

Ill Met in the Necropolis


For the past month I've been posting new installments of Ill Met in the Necropolis, a serialized swords & sorcery yarn set in the milieu of the Swords of Kos. As the story is proceeding apace, I'll be posting links to each installment here for your convenience.

For the past month I've been posting new installments of Ill Met in the Necropolis, a serialized swords & sorcery yarn set in the milieu of the Swords of Kos. As the story is proceeding apace, I'll be posting links to each installment here for your convenience. I hope you continue to enjoy the series, and I thank you for your feedback.

Ill Met in the Necropolis

Two thieves venture into the Necropolis on mostly honest business, only to uncover foul deeds and the restless dead!

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Mythos Society Guide to New England: Bonus Monster - Wodenlithi Draug!

Mythos Society Guide to New England: Bonus Monster - Wodenlithi Draug!

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Magic Circle Against Clothes: A Nuisance Spell for Pathfinder