Metal, College, and Why I've Been So Dang Quiet

In which TK Nyarlathotep makes excuses, rambles about his ideas, and makes a few promises here and there.

My goodness gracious, it's been a while! Look at all the mess I've made! There's dust everywhere! Lemme shoo out the cobwebs and I'll get back to ya'll.


Now that that's done with, hi! How are you? Good to hear. Or maybe terrible to hear. Or good to hear if I don't like you! But if you read my columns I do like you by default so please don't leave.


So the next question is just where the heck have I been. The answer to that is nowhere exciting. Fall and Winter is the busiest season at my place of work and college keeps me busy in all the times in between, so generally I don't have as much time for gaming. Heck, I tried to host a gaming party at my house earlier this month and it had to be canceled twice. My personal life has no free time, much less my internet life. I've been reading when I can, but most of my leisure reading has been eaten up by textbook reading.


But that does not mean I'm completely without any free time at all. It just means I've been working on personal projects. So the question from there becomes "Hey, TK, what the heck is your personal project?" Well if you'll just settle down and quit all the cussin' I'll tell ya.


Empires of Fire and Steel, my personal baby. A setting of heroism, sacrifice, carving your name forever into history, and Heavy Freaking Metal. It's a setting where men can challenge the gods of their world, the children of Titans and Demons run wild and free, and a power chord can literally melt your face off.


I'm honestly not sure how much I can talk about it without risking plagiarism or any kind of legal ridiculousness, suffice it to say I have to talk to a few people and get some things worked out, but if all goes well you'll hear a lot more about Empires of Fire and Steel before too long. I've been playtesting some of my custom classes and races and brainstorming custom rules for it, so it's in a pretty good place, developmentally.


Finally, I've got some news that's relevant to good ol' D-Infinity here: Soon, very soon, I will be returning to writing H.P. Lovecraft's Nyarlathotep. I'll have my usual commentary regarding Nyarlathotep himself, some game materials either directly or tangentially related to the man himself, and of course some lovely knick-knacks like pictures and links. Next up we have the extremely divisive Dreams in the Witch House, which is a nice font of gaming material regardless of whether you like the story or not.


That's all for now! Thanks for listening in and sorry for the absence.


TK Nyarlathotep

Typhonic Hell Hound

Typhonic Hell Hound

d-Infinity Live Series 2, Ep. 19: Oh My, Gods!