


I have a single week left to finish the weapon’s compilation book. I’m pretty sure that I’ll be able to meet this deadline.

Despite the fact I still need to fix the brakes and rotors on my car.

And my timing belt, all four shocks, radiator, change the oil and transmission fluid, and finally replace the windshield.

A lot of work, a lot of money. At least it can be finished while I’m on vacation in just over three weeks.

Oh and there is a lot of new material after all with the compilation book, so I’m pretty sure that my readers will be pleased with it.

I’ve been lax when it comes to editing and posting my latest two stories, Forsaken Soul and Tutelage. The reason is simple – I’ve been working pretty hard and steadily on the re-write of my zombie novel.

Honestly? I doubt I’ll post either until after I’m on vacation. That way I will have the time to give them a proper edit and post them.

So it won’t be long. I hope you can wait. Considering the incredible amount of feedback I get from the stuff I post, I know you’re all chomping at the bit to get my latest work.

That was sarcasm, which does not translate well in this medium. Heh.

Last week saw my first year of mutant monsters come to a conclusion. I have posted 104 mutants, which works out to exactly 2 per week.

Tomorrow I start series two. The numbers will be reset and at this time next year you will see series three begin.

As always I will write up creatures based on images, suggestions, and of course my own fertile imagination.

The downside is this week I did not write up any new conversions. As anyone who reads my blog on a regular basis knows I was quite ill last weekend, and I’ve been recovering this week. And there is the fact that I need the time to concentrate on finishing the compilation book.  

Once it is out of the way, I’m going to concentrate completely on adding the information for the first New Mutant Monday volume – which will mainly consist of new mutations. When that’s done, it’ll be in Michael Varhola’s hand for editing.

And then I will work on hitting 300 conversions and doing the same thing there – adding new mutations.

The new mutants for this week – Engulfer, Pelieater, Stinkers and anyone who followed my epic ‘Buck Who?’ will recognize this last one, the Longqi Ti.

I also finished reading ‘Gemini Cell’ by Myke Cole this week. It’s part of his Shadow-ops series, which is military urban fantasy. I didn’t mind the book, and I have enjoyed his books so far, although they didn’t grab me the way other urban fantasy books have.

Is it worth reading? Of course it is! Is it one of my top favorite books? Not even close. Don’t let that stop you from reading it, especially if you like Urban Fantasy and military SF.

The novel is about a SEAL who is killed after a mission and wakes up to find his body dead, but he still inhabits it, sharing it with a blood-thirsty Djinn from the nether-realm. He has to fight to control his body, and to rein in the spirit, who wants nothing more than to wreak as much death and destruction as possible.

Oh yeah and I finally got a chance to watch Deadpool! Childish, foul-mouthed, gory, but tons of fun. Exactly what you would expect from the movie, and critics be damned, if you don’t get the movie, shut the fuck up.


The movie is aimed at a certain category of comic-reader and those of us who go to see it know EXACTLY what to expect.

Can’t wait to see the sequel in a few years.

No new releases this week from Skirmisher. Pity about that. Hope to see this change real soon.

The boys did play Sea Lord of the Sunken Grotto however! Check it out!

And that’s going to be it this week. Short and sweet, no rants or other crap from me.

Have a great week one and all!

New Mutant Monday Series Two #1 - Chickzilla

New Mutant Monday Series Two #1 - Chickzilla

Shambling towards the board #1 (The long treck to creating the game Dead Things)