Wednesday's Wondrous Works #3 - Flesh Map

Aura: Moderate Divination; (CL): 6th
Slot: None; Price: 18,000; Weight: 1 lb.
Description: This is a swath of specially treated leather, sometimes made out of animal skins, sometimes from the flesh of a humanoid or monstrous human. The average size of this magical item is typically two feet by two feet square, although there have been larger and smaller maps constructed. Whenever the blood of a vanquished foe is poured onto the hide or skin, it will create an accurate map, showing the geographical location of the largest treasure hoards (or valuables in gold pieces) which were known to the creature. As with the spell, the person using the map must specify the scale of the map. Typically the map is made to show two locations, but smaller and larger have been created (and the cost likewise changes). This map can be used 50 times before the flesh finally succumbs and rots away to dust.
Construction: Craft wondrous item, create treasure map; Cost: 9,000