New BASH-SF Datafile - Reetha Shartar - Knight-Marshall of the Commonwealth!

As promised in my earlier Knights-Marshal of the the Commonwealth, here is the other player character - Reetha Shartar. Reetha is defined as human in the Commonwealth, where humanity has drifted considerably in phenotype and genotype over centuries of interstellar travel and civilization. She manifested powerful precognitive and sensitive psionic gifts, but still manages to find herself in greater and greater trouble.
Several years ago, as a young Sargent-at-Arms in Marshal service, she witness a great crime [to be determined at a later, plot-determined time] perpetrated by a powerful Precenter Marshal. When she gave testimony to the Masters of the Order, she earned a terrible enemy, who was found to be acting in accord with his orders and the wishes of his superiors. Reetha has since been sent to increasingly foul places and given more and more dire missions, no doubt at the Precenter's order. She is convinced that she will die in service to the Order, and soon.
More generally, i wanted to lay out the benefits of Service to the Order of the Knights-Marshal. Firstly Membership confers the right to wear the tabard and armor of the order, which are recognizable over most of the Commonwealth. The Order is generally held in high esteem by planetary populations, so Knights-Marshall rarely have to pay for food, lodging, or other mundane necessities when they visit. Knights-Marshal are granted a Courser, a small, fast, and tough starship, capable of short bursts of lightspeed, perfect for patrolling their assigned sector of The Edge. They have access to support and training at any Order Capital Ship, massive fortresses that patrol the Edge, receiving information and dispensing orders, protecting the core of the Commonwealth from incursion or invasion.
Finally, each Knight-Marshal, on attaining the Accolade, is altered ritually through surgery and implantation, conferring a number of abilities useful to the Knight. These procedures are sacred to the Order, and almost never found in individuals who are not Knights-Marshal.
- Each knight is implanted with an organic device within the rib-cage, called the Conversion Chamber that will convert waste gases in the body [like CO2] into breathable air for a short time, enabling her to survive without Atmosphere for 10 minutes per point of Brawn.
- The Biolitic Engine, installed in the gut will extract and store energy and water from food and drink digested, against future need, allowing the Knight to go without food for twice as long as a normal member of its species.
- A Reticulum Layer, cultured and grown beneath and through the epidermis of the Knight, grants her resilience against the vacuum of space, and exposure to extremes of temperature.
- In times of dire necessity, the Vampiric Organ, will convert blood and musculature to energy, allowing the Knight to survive even deadly wounds or prolonged starvation or exposure. By consuming a Point of Brawn or Agility, the Knight's body will stabilize upon death in a cataleptic state, from which it can be revived with application of powerful healing. An obviously fatal wound, such as decapitation, dismemberment, or destruction by acid or fire, negate this ability.
- If a Knight is dying from prolonged exposure to the elements or starvation, or similar privation, the Vampiric Organ will stave off death, converting 1 Point of Brawn or Agility per Common Month to preserve the Knight's body, until its is revived or wastes away entirely.