New BASH Hero Datafile - Mondragon

Here is another hero of my ongoing BASH supers campaign. Hunts Point, The Bronx, is a grittier setting than my Normal Supers setting, The New Centurions, who are based in Manhattan. So In Hunts Point, we use a wound threshold and a lower hit point value, cribbed from BASH Sci-Fi, another fine game by Basic Action Games.
Mondragon - Spec Ops Veteran, Vigilante, Defender of Hunts Point
Hector Morragonne came back from Afghanistan a discarded weapon, blind and bitter and broke. When his apartment was broken into, he defeated the intruders anyway, using a number of ordinary household implements and the shadows of his darkened apartment. The next day the thugs were free and came back to even the score. They caught Hector unawares and took their time, then left him for dead. When Hector fled the hospital, he left behind a mountain of debt. Working blind, with the aid of a few friends, he regained a version of his sight and more. When he saw what was happening to his neighborhood, he became the defender of Hunt’s Point.