New BASH Datafile - Sea Wyrm, a Movie tie-in for 'Ragnarok'.

Over the Holidays, my lovely wife and I had a chance to watch a little Netflix, and caught the modern mythological thriller 'Ragnarok'. It borrows some from the horror genre, but is mostly an adventure story about a young mythographer/ archeologist who hauls his family to the far north of Scandinavia, tracing a mysterious reference he found in the Oseberg Ship burial. In the distant wilds of Norway, he discovers the thruth behind the mystery and more.
My friend Eric Fabiaschi, prodded me to write a conversion of the critter in the film, and I discovered I already had, in both BASH and Chaosium's Basic Role Playing system for Call of Cthulhu. You can find His Majesty, a massive sea serpent found in the pages of my Mythos Society Guide to New England over here [in the movie, it should probably be called Her Majesty]. And Below is a huge Sea Wyrm that I wrote up for my Eldrtich Isles fantasy BASH campaign.
Now, the wyrm in 'Ragnarok' did not actually have any army of drowned vikings, but it did have their remains around. And since I had a Datafile for Drowned Vikings floating around [sorry] I figured I would include it.