d10 Damaged Books

Are you ready to crack open a book book? Well, you're going to have to keep waiting!
Are you ready to crack open a book book? Well, you're going to have to keep waiting. For those times when your adventurers uncover a large trove of tomes and you want something to go wrong, the mad mind behind 1d10 Potion Side Effects presents a table of all the things that can go wrong with books left moldering in a dungeon. When your heroes pick up that tome, get out your d10 and get rolling!
- The last chapter has been town out.
- Worms have eaten through the pages. Roll 1d100 to determine the percentage of readable text.
- The book was once pulled from a fire. It smells of ash, and singed pages mean the text on the outside edge of each page is obscured.
- The book is filled with typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors.
- The book has been stripped of its cover, leaving the spine and pages vulnerable to increase wear and tear, as well as environmental damage.
- The book features an ornate clasp which is rusted shut, making it difficult to open.
- The pages are stuck together with an unknown substance.
- The pages are stained. There is an equal chance the stains are coffee, blood, ichor, or all three.
- The book's cover is a false front. The pages bound within are actually the pages of a bawdy erotic novel of little scholarly interest.
- The book has no text at all, having been hollowed out to become the hiding place. There is a 50% chance whatever it was meant to conceal is currently stashed within.