BASHKrampusnacht - The Kinder!

That's right folks! The evil children chosen by Krampus to further his Campaign of Yuletide Terror, statted out for your enjoyment and employment [demons don't really pay close attention to child labor laws]. And these poor kids might welcome a break from the routine at the Arkhangel Sanitarium for Troubled Minors. A day or two before Krampusnacht, the big, hairy demon-guy visited the fun-house and pllaced lumps of coal in several stockings. When they four children found there, they were changed and infused with demonic energy.
You can use the Kinder as BASHKrampusnacht: Night of the Krampus Script suggests, or however you like in your old games. Character briefs for each of them is provided in the Script, though, so go on over and check that out. Something I probably should have said in the Script post but didn't - you can pretty easily swap any of the Kinder over to the good side and vice versa. Just mess with the character briefs a bit and you are good to go. So if you have a player who can't get into playing any of the Forgotten Children, go ahead and give them the chance to pick one of the Kinder instead. Of course, they will be a hero and one of the Forgotten Children, and you can fill out the ranks of the Kinder with the hero Datafile that did not get chosen.
While we are on the subject - if youw ant to do a little more heavy lifting, go ahead and use the Datafiles over here, modified as necessary, as options for a picky Forgotten Child player, or however else you see fit. Drea could easily be a Forgotten Child with a coloring book instead of body ink. Mondragon could be a martial arts/ secret agent-y spy-kid. You get the idea, just ignore the images [or ask nice and I will be happy to send you .doc format versions you can mess with.
Finally, I used some powers from Awesome Powers: Mental Powers for Grim. This is a terrific resource and inexpensive. For each power I borrowed from it, I have listed the base powers or the one closest to it from BASH UE2, in case you don't have Awesome Powers.
Next UP? The Big Bad Himself - Krampus! Along with his minions!