Top 10 Stories of 2016

Following are the 10 most popular stories of 2016 on d-Infinity Online! These are the pieces our readers have overall enjoyed the most and if you have not already checked them out then you definitely should. Congratulations to contributors Brendan Cass, Derek Holland, Emily Marie, Allison and Todd Markello, Clint Staples, Will Thrasher, Chris Van Deelen, and Michael O. Varhola for producing these items.
1) New Epic Boons for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
4) Tips for Making Costume Shoes
5) Catoblepas (D&D 5E Monster)
6) Hippopotamus (D&D 5E Monster)
7) 100 Oddities for a Dungeon!
8) Oddities of Chaotic Mutation — The Giant Chaotic Vinegaroon Runequestified!
9) Runequest Thursday #83 - A New Combat System for Runequest!